One of the most overlooked rooms, when it comes time to remodel, is the bathroom. Since most people would instead focus their budget on things like their bedroom, living room, and so on, the bathroom is often skipped! However, you can quickly turn a budget bathroom into an aesthetically pleasing room easily with the help of some new bath tile and a lovely mosaic tile backsplash to complement it.
Many people think renovating your bathroom is too expensive and time-consuming. And it can be, but not if you get high-quality materials such as Mother of Pearl Tile, bath tile, and so on, from Oasis Tile. They offer a wide range of remodeling materials for every level of expertise. In addition to sending you the parts you need, they have clear instructions for installation. We will cover all that you need to know about installing tile into your bathroom on this page.
1. How to Find a Contractor for a Bathroom Remodel
Finding the right contractor for your bathroom remodeling project can be tricky. To hire a quality company, you need to research and know what questions to ask before you make any decisions. Here are just a few of the top things to consider when you're looking for a contractor:
- The Price
- Their Reputation
- Their Credentials
Remember that the contractor and the person who sells tile are two different people. Therefore, consider buying bath tile from an outlet like Oasis Tile while simultaneously searching around for the contractor who can install them for you. If you want to do a mosaic tile backsplash, you will likely need professional help for installation.
2. Tips for Finding the Right Contractor
When you are ready to hire a contractor, be sure you check with references and ask plenty of questions. Here are some tips for finding the right bathroom tile installer:
- Search Online
- Ask for Recommendations from Friends and Family
- Check out Contractor's Licensing Information on the State's Website
- Ask to See Certificates of Insurance Before You Hire Anybody
- Discuss Options Before the Job Begins
- Check Out Their Social Media Accounts
Try to keep your remodel as cheap as possible. Tile can add much value to any home, but it is not always necessary for every bathroom. As we want to make clear, though, this can quickly turn a budget bathroom into a luxurious-looking one! Especially if you get some lovely bath tile to make a stunning mosaic tile backsplash
3. Finding the Right Materials
One of the easiest ways to save money on bathroom renovations is finding cheap materials that look great. The key is knowing where to look. Inexpensive bath tile and nice Mother of Pearl tile alike can be found at outlets like Oasis Tile, so shop around to find the materials you need.
4. Consider Artwork Such as a Mosaic Tile Backsplash
A mosaic tile backsplash is a great way to add aesthetic appeal to your bathroom. It brings different aesthetics into one space while adding a touch of sophistication and modernity to the wall in which it is mounted. No matter what type of design you choose, this is sure to make any room that houses it look more unique than ever before. Many people will use high-quality tiles such as Mother of Pearl Tile for these sorts of purposes.Â
5. Budget Everything Before Signing a Deal
Always be sure to sit down and outline every last detail of your plan before signing any papers. Know how much the entire project will cost, and make sure you feel comfortable with it. Be sure that you get a complete breakdown of what work they will be doing, and always ask for an estimate before anything gets started to help you stay focused on your budget.
6. Shop Around and Compare Prices
Once you have a rough idea of how much each remodel step will cost, it's time to start shopping around for the best deals. Many people choose to shop online for all of their materials at once to compare prices between different sites. We recommend starting with the bath tile collection found at Oasis Tile.
7. Shop Around Materials and Contractors Separately
Remember that you don't have to purchase your tile through a contractor. In many cases, it will only result in a markup on the total price you pay. For this reason, many people who are looking to save money on their projects choose to shop for materials and contractors separately.
8. Make Sure You Understand the Contract
Before anything can be done, of course, a contract must be signed by both parties. It is essential that you read over this document carefully before signing your name on the dotted line. Make sure you understand everything! Otherwise, confusion can come along with some big problems!
9. Think of Putting Tile Near Your Bath!
One of the most popular trends is putting getting bath tile. This can be a mosaic tile backsplash or simply decoration to have on the side of your bathtub. Whatever bathroom tile you choose, putting it near your bath is a great way to showcase your personality and create a focal point in the room.
10. For DIYers: Organization is Key for a Successful Installation
When installing new tiles or working around existing ones, it is always essential to keep yourself organized to make sure nothing gets broken accidentally during installation! A simple way to do this is by outlining all the steps and tools involved in putting tile into your bathroom. Make sure that you handle all parts carefully and follow the instructions carefully.
Need Some More Help Finding Tile?
It can be tempting to go with the cheapest materials and contractors, but it's essential that you budget everything before signing a deal. This way, you'll know what your project will cost in full, so there are no surprises when work begins.Â
Shop around for the best prices on both materials and contractors separately; this will ensure that you're getting a fair price for quality products or services. We recommend that you start by looking at some lovely Mother of Pearl Tile here at Oasis Tile!