Granite Tiles 101: The Pros & Cons
When you are looking for modern floor tiles that can bring a whole new look to your home, we here at Oasis Tile agree with most flooring contractors that it's hard to beat granite tile. Becoming a more popular choice with homeowners and contractors alike, granite floor tiles offer many advantages and only a few disadvantages, making them ideal when building a new home or renovating an existing one. If you are a homeowner ready to start searching for tile flooring near me or a contractor who is eager to start installing tile floor on an upcoming job, our team at Oasis Tile has compiled some pros and cons about granite tile.
Expensive Tile
For homeowners on a tight DIY budget or contractors who want to save their customers money on a renovation, remember that granite floor tiles are some of the most expensive modern floor tiles on the market today. Once you begin comparing flooring tiles price, you may find granite tile is higher per square-foot than many other types of floor tiles such as ceramic tile.

Strong and Durable
If you are wanting floor tile that will hold up well to areas that have high foot-traffic and still look almost as good as new, you will want to take a close look at granite floor tiles. Scratch-resistant, granite tile works well in kitchens as well as homes where children are present. Due to their strength and durability, you can install granite floor tile and not have to worry about needing to replace it a few years later.
Easy to Clean
Should you have a family that has both kids and pets parading through the kitchen and other parts of your home day after day, you will love the fact that granite tile is perhaps the easiest of all floor tiles to clean. In most cases, all you will need to do is give it a quick swipe with a mop or paper towels to keep it looking great. Because of this, it's easy to see why granite floor tiles are so popular in today's modern kitchens.
Resistant to Water
Like any home, we are sure yours is one where something gets spilled onto the floor now and then, especially in the kitchen. If you are installing floor tile that is granite, you won't have to worry about these spills damaging your flooring, since granite tile is non-porous, meaning the tiles won't absorb the liquid spilled onto them. Thus, whether you spill something while cooking, one of the kids drops their cup of juice, or even if Fido has a wild spell and turns over their water dish, you won't have to worry about how to clean your floors if you have granite floor tile.
Granite Tile is Heavy
While we've been busy telling you about the many benefits of granite floor tiles, we should mention a potential con of using this type of tile, which is that granite tile can be quite heavy. Because of this, it is usually recommended that granite tile only be used on ground floors in homes, or in areas where there is sufficient structural support to make granite tile a practical option.
Somewhat Limited in Color Selection
While the biggest drawback to using granite tile is its weight, another lesser disadvantage is the somewhat limited selection of colors from which you can choose. Although we at Oasis Tile do offer granite floor tiles for sale in many different colors and styles, you may find you ultimately choose another type of tile based on colors and designs.
Brings Out Your Creativity
Whether you are doing a DIY project at your home or are working with a contractor to create a look that is unique and all your own, modern floor tiles made of granite will instantly get your creative juices flowing. In the kitchen, bathroom, living room, or elsewhere in your home, granite tiles allow you to be very flexible in terms of your interior design.

Can be Cold and Slippery
Finally, granite floor tiles can be cold, especially if you don't have in-floor heating. Also, if you use granite tile that has a high-gloss finish, it can get a bit slippery once it gets wet, so keep this in mind if you are wanting to use it in your bathroom.
Getting the Floor You Want
Now that you've passed Granite Tile 101, it's time to get busy comparing flooring tile prices. Once you look over our selection here at Oasis Tile, you'll find modern granite floor tiles that fit your budget and will look great in your home. Don’t want to limit yourself to just granite floor tiles? Check out our entire selection!